A Simple Hack and Slash.
Move: Arrow Keys
Run: Double Tap Direction:
Attack: Space
Defend/Parry: Ctrl
Dodge: Alt
Kick: Z
Throw/Recall: X
Sheathe/Unsheathe: Caps
Focus: Shift
Stab: Focus Left/Right
Behead: Focus Up
Split: Focus Down
Spinning Slice: Focus Defend
Quickdraw: Focus + Sheathe
Toggle Kill Count: Tab
Taunt: V
Wipe Blood: C
Change Inputs : esc
-each kill has a 50% to drop a firefly
-you can have up to 7 fireflies following you around
-certain fire attacks require you to burn a certain amount of fireflies
Divine Flame: Enter
-Heartburn - -cost 1 firefly
Phoenix Fire: Focus + Divine Flame - costs 1 firefly
Dragon Fire Slashes: Focus + Divine Flame (hold) - costs 2 firefly
Fire God: Focus + Divine Flame (hold) - costs 3 firefly
Prototype concept available
Press Defend right before an enemy attacks hits you to parry it.
Very early alpha prototype. Hope you enjoy and please let us know any improvements, bugs, suggestions, etc.
We're honestly tired of the whole kickstarter funding run. Any donation to keep funding would be greatly appreciated. If you take a time to write a haiku we'll include it in the bathtub scene.
Updated | 14 days ago |
Status | In development |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Rating | Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars (15 total ratings) |
Author | Dead Imagination |
Genre | Action |
Made with | Godot |
Tags | 2D, 8-Bit, Boss battle, Hack and Slash, Pixel Art, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:
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Development log
- update 3/11/2514 days ago
- update 3/10/2517 days ago
- update 3/8/0519 days ago
- update 3/5/2522 days ago
- Update 2/24/2527 days ago
- Moving onto Beta/Early Access40 days ago
- 2/14/2541 days ago
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When you get the rebound just right...
It's also fun if you throw the sword and it lands on the ground, then you hold the throw button for a half second, and the sword does a little flip and bounces towards you xD
just fixed
Feedback on sfx:
-Heartburn hit sound doesn't play consistently, and when it does, it sounds like a hit with a sword, not like a heart ripping punch (I think it's the same audio from the focus thrust).
-The beheading strike, the split attack, and spin attack, all have clash sounds which play no matter what. Hit the enemy guard? Sounds normal. Hit their flesh? Sounds like they blocked, even as their death animation plays. Miss completely? Still sounds like someone blocked it.
-The sound effect for a kill with a basic attack (combo or aerial) sounds more like paper being torn than flesh being cut. This is oddly, slightly less noticeable in the survival mode than in the training area (because of how the sound interacts with the music).
-Obviously, some things are still missing sfx. Kicks, level 2 flame,
-The hit sounds for the focus thrust, running slash, and anything but the first hit of the spinning slash, are really good. So are the blade clash sfx, when they play at appropriate times.
Those are weird bugs, heartburn doesn't have a sfx on it yet. Alot of those don't occur on my end but I can try to figure it out.
will fix the gore effects
Did a quick test and found a solution. Apparently, the install had bugged on my end. Re-downloading the file and reinstalling the game fixed the issues with the clash sounds playing every time. Only partly fixed the problem I reported with the phoenix fire attack being unavailable in training area though. (posting more info on that on the update page)
Update feedback: I like the music! Indoor music sounds chill and thematic. The survival music is a bit rough around the edges. It feels like you could do with volume control though (more important once there's sfx to go with the music, so you can balance them against one another).
Also, there's still a bug where you use 1 to pause then hit escape and it unpauses.
Thanks! Just had another update. Some of the ghost attacks should be fixed now but might have missed some. Survival music will have more added to it eventually. Volume control will be added next.
Forgot to fix the pause bug, doing that now
So... more desktop version weirdness. Both of these, I've tested on the web version and confirmed they're exclusively happening on desktop.
-The 2nd attack in the combo still passes through 0-block enemies without killing them. This was an old bug, still happening consistently.
-If you land all 3 hits of your own combo on an enemy, and it doesn't break their guard, there's a 4th "ghost hit" on them after they get knocked back. Sometimes, it hits multiple enemies if they're close together.
And a fun one which happens in both versions:
-Activate level 3 divine flame, while at least one enemy is still in a death animation, and get a firefly.
-Get killed while the ability is still active, which makes it vanish.
-Resurrect, because you got a firefly.
-When the timer should run out on the level 3, you collapse as if it's still going.
I also had it glitch out once after triggering this bug on desktop, where the next time I summoned the level 3, the timer didn't trigger. Doesn't seem consistent on this, though.
Thanks for testing.
Just uploaded a different desktop version.
The 2nd attack passing through should be fixed hopefully
Could you post a video on the ghost hit bug if you have the time? I can't recreate it. Could it be if both you and the enemy are attacking at the same time and it gets canceled out?
The lv3 god mode bug should be fixed too
2nd attack bug: Fixed!
lvl 3 interrupt bug: Fixed!
lvl 3 infinite duration bug: I had it happen once randomly (the first time I launched after installing the new version). Isn't reproducible like it had been with the interrupt bug though. So fixed-ish?
And the ghost hit bug is also less consistent now, but still sometimes happens.
From my testing so far in the new build, the bug never triggers when the combo includes:
-a missed attack.
-a hit which breaks an enemy's guard.
-a hit which kills an enemy.
It also only triggers on an enemy who got a knockback effect from the attack that hit them, which usually comes from the final hit of the combo.
It won't trigger every time those conditions are met, and I don't know what, if any, other conditions might be relevant. When I knock an enemy back and they end up next to a second enemy, sometimes the ghost hit will stagger both of them, but that's not consistent either.
Wow, that's a weird one but I think I know what triggers it. Will have to try to do some digging to pinpoint it though, thanks for the video.
Also very much appreciate the feedback, itch/youtube doesn't allow messages but if you have Steam or something else I would love to send you a free key for all the feedback you've given so far.
The best place to contact me in private would probably be my Discord account (it's the same name I use here). When it comes to keys, Steam has been a non-option for me for a long time now, for reasons it's probably sensible not to go into detail about on here. Long story.
alright sent a request

This does feel a little OP rn, but cool!
lol and right before I post this (but after I downloaded) you nerfed it... perfect timing! xD
lol thanks! More coming soon.
So while experimenting with parries and fighting with the weapon sheathed... I realised a well timed attack as you're parrying will perform its own unique follow-up which has the same diagonal cut kill animation as the (missing on the downloadable version) second combo attack.
So all the combo attacks have a second way to get the same kill animation.
...and I found the directional parry counter that lets you slice an enemy's back instead of their chest O_o
Oh yea, the back attacks will cut through if the enemy has 1 defend points instead of just 0
Oh that might be a bug, I thought I took that out.
Just in case, I checked and it works in the browser too, not just the downloadable version.
Right after you're parrying an attack you press attack and do the second swing upwards right?
It's a downward slash, not upwards. But yeah, it's triggered by hitting the attack button right after the parry.
oh that's normal. It's a counter attack. If the enemy has 0 defend points and you parry their attack it'll trigger a counter parry which you can then follow up with a downwards slash.
this is fun. this is cool. I like this
Thank you very much!
With my previous 420 kills, I didn't realise it was going to get that much more difficult... but I did it!
here's proof of my pretty cool accomplishment, i even made the last kill a focus sheath attack, and I almost died trying to get it
haha wow that must have been cinematic. I'll have to start working on a world leader ranking
O_o nice!
here's a haiku: ¨was bored today so I got a thousand kills. I could have gotten more.¨
It's not on the 5-7-5 format, but fix it up and I'll include it no problem.
the unfinished 3 fire fly move has screwed me over a couple of times now, I suggest removing the ability to do it while it is unfinished so it doesn't activate on accident, btw my best is 180, this game is so freaking cool and i cant wait to see where it goes, it feels so nice to just cut down hordes of enemies
Thank you very much! I'm really glad you're enjoying it so far. A beta of the level 3 move will be included in the next update, working on it now.
Fun trick.
Press 1.
Press esc.
Opening the menu while paused unpauses.
ah I should probably fix that, thanks for pointing that out
what are all the death animations and what moves do you need to do to get them? i kinda wanna be able to choose what happens to each enemy to keep it fresh and less repetitive
The first attack of your basic combo and the jumping slash share a death animation.
The third combo attack shares its death animation with the non-focus sword draw attack.
The the focus+block attack and the sprinting slash share a death animation.
The sheathed and unsheathed focus+slash attacks each have unique death animations.
The basic flame attack, and the first and second level focus+flame attacks, all have unique death animations.
Focus+up and focus+down both have unique death animations, and focus+down has a second version of the death animation if you follow it up with a kick.
If there are more than those 10, I haven't found them yet.
Other than the focus+down>kick animation, kicks don't have any death animations, which makes sense because they're clearly non-lethal attacks. Weirdly, though, the second combo attack isn't capable of landing a killing blow either (but does damage enemy block). Taunts obviously also don't kill. Especially not the one with your weapon sheathed, but it's nice to do this anyway. You can't attack while ducking, and jumping onto enemies doesn't kill unless you do the jumping slash attack (but jump+kick has surprisingly good knockback).
There will be more variations later on as well as a dismemberment system. (it's why the beheading has missing arms currently). You'll be able to mix up and combine the deaths later on.
Focus Down- Splitting the enemy in half. You can then kick the skeleton out of the enemy
Focus Up- Beheading. You can kick the head as well
Focus Attack- You gut the enemy
Focus Sheathe- You cut the enemy in half
First Attack of combo is disarming the enemy
Second Attack of the combo slashes the enemy diagonally
Third attack is a throat slit
Divine Flame - You thrust your hand into the enemy's heart
Focus + Divine Flame hold- Burning the enemy with a phoenix or disintegrating them with a dragon slashes
There are a few more I'm forgetting right now. In the future there will be more variations and you'll be able to dismember the enemies to keep things less repetitive.
I've tested it multiple times in the training area and the survival mode. Can't get the second combo hit to land on an opponent who's vulnerable. It doesn't help that the first hit being the one to break an enemy's guard will interrupt your combo to knock them back, but even so, following up by whiffing the first swing means the second attack can pass all the way through the opponent's body without registering as a hit. With the right positioning, a parry into a combo has the same result. Opponent is knocked back by the parry, out of reach for the first swing of the combo, but the second attack passes through them without killing, and it's always the third hit which kills.
And when I say "passing through" it can be anything from the tip slicing through the front of the body where it should be catching the front few pixels of the torso, to the blade being visible sticking out behind the opponent, and nothing works.
Might be a hit detection problem in the current build? It registers for enemies blocking it, though.
The upper slash move? I can reduce the amount the enemy knocks back to make it easier and increase the range more but I just tested it on this web version. Do you have a video so I can see the issue?
I'll try and get a video soon, but for now...
It's in the downloadable version, if that makes a difference.
EDIT: Just tested on the web version and... it does make a difference.
NEW EDIT: Video!
That's odd, it still works fine on my end. It might be a framerate issue. I'll take a look into it. Thanks for letting me know.
when i have 3 fire flies and i focus and use flame attack, i just drop my sword and do nothing, is there anything more to it?
unfinished move, will be this in the future
Not yet! I commented on it in one of the update posts (12/23/24) and the dev confirmed it's coming "soon".
EDIT: Not sure why the site didn't show my the devpost until after I replied but... yay! O_o
Best result so far on the new update. I'm liking the new changes, takes a lot more effort to stay in the fight!
Getting the hang of things...
Great number XD
Haha thanks, it'll get more challenging in the future
Also... that was my first time since trying the new build that an enemy *didn't* spawn a firefly... so it's definitely not 100% spawn rate. Might have just had the coinflip go my way about 300 times in a row? xD
Very cool!
After some experimentation...
Sheathed blocks and parries don't have their own unique animations, but they look smooth coming out - it's just the teleport back into the sheathe that looks wrong. Could be fixed by triggering the weapon drawn state when successfully blocking or parrying an attack.
Also, getting kicked with your weapon sheathed still uses the animation where the weapon is out.
I have changed my opinion slightly on the above. Blocking or parrying a kick doesn't look right. Blocking and parrying sword attacks does though.
Also, I think you bumped the spawn rate for fireflies to 100% somewhere along the way, but the cap is only 3 now.
will add a blocking effect to the kicks so it might look better.
The cap might be 4 since I'm thinking of adding another move. The firefly spawn rate is 90% currently for testing. Might change the mechanics later but not sure right now.
Being 90% makes a lot of sense for what I've been seeing, it did seem higher than 50 xD thanks for confirming that.
And more importantly, thanks for a really fun game!
No problem, really glad you're enjoying it so far :)
Adding the sheathed blocks and parries now, will update tomorrow with it probably. Also will do the getting kicked with sheathed
Thanks for pointing those out.
Tip: You can revive if you have a firefly and press divine flame while you die. Please don't remove the player's ability to jump on people
Haha I won't. There will be more added to it actually like being able to stab downwards when you jump down on their heads.
It's starting to feel like I can choose a kill count at which I'm happy dying... I may be playing this too much xD
That said, with the new block mechanics, it feels like the sheathed focus attack might be impossible to get kills with at the moment.
good point it feels weak at the moment. I changed it so it affects multiple enemies right now but will still need to upgrade it.
haha, that's a very impressive high score
I found a bug.
When I slice the enemies in half and kick it, they returned alive instead of them losing their bones
Check this out:
These dudes don't wanna leave them skin lol.
ah messed something up. thanks, just fixed.
Current feedback:
Shift+down feels a bit too strong. Decapitation can be ducked by enemies, thrust can be blocked, but the down slash is a guaranteed kill if you're in range, and you can follow up with a kick to stun an enemy behind the one (or sometimes 2 or 3) you killed.
Bath is broken. No haiku timeout. Can't get past the door. It opens, but doesn't let me through.
Bowing is cool. Phoenix and dragon attacks are cool. All the animations are cool. Enemy block animations are cool. Kicking skeletons out of enemies is cool. Game is just cool. xD
Really looking forward to the addition of music/sounds, cleanup of the spawn mechanics, and hopefully further improvements to the combat system in the game.
Another thing to note: If you do slice an enemy then kick them from behind, the skeleton still comes out their back, flying through you and landing behind you instead of flying in the direction you kicked it.
Ah yea, needed to do the front version. Just updated with it.
Thanks for the feedback! Will work on updating the splitting move so the enemies can block and react to it more.
Just fixed haiku and added the parry/counter system.
Keep saying it but putting it off but music/sounds will be in soon.
"When it's ready" - don't feel like this is rushing you. You're doing great!
Definitely having fun with the new updates... xD
This looks painful...
hi dev, your art design is wonderful! the whole movement system is very beautiful and smooth.
However i do wonder would it be possible that player could adjust how quick the Defend is? It's just a personal need for my slow reaction lol.
Btw your work on the move chain/combo is almost the best i have ever seen.
Would it be on steam? can't wait to wishlist it!
would the music system be like katana zero? like you could chose songs for your own? and may i recommend a Chinese song/poem to be included in your great work by buying you a drink?😄️
One can voluntarily pay for the game when you click download to support them. I did it, and I gave them a Haiku which they added to the bathtub scene in the game (shows up randomly).
Thank for reply. Given that the song is not my original composition and possesses a distinctive style—which I greatly admire and believe to be well-suited for this game—I feel it would be more appropriate to ask for dev's opinion first.
Additionally, I am certainly willing to make a donation, but I am uncertain about the appropriate amount for this situation😄️. Btw, here is the video link for reference. If you can't open it, there is also an MP4 version available.
Music is being done by someone, should be added in the next update. The chinese song is very nice! There will be some similar music to it.
Thank you so much for your reply! It was so delightful to hear that you like this song. By the way, I have already sent the haiku I wrote via email to this address. Looking forward to both your music and your reply!
oh there's another good game you maybe interested in, ,great combat system too
Can confirm First Cut is a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I can only play the demo version, not the "finished" game, since the dev hasn't made that available on here yet, and Steam exclusivity means it's not an option for some of us -_-
Thank you very much! It'll be on steam this week hopefully, just need to polish a few things. I'm reworking the combat system to make the defense better, it should be easier to use then.
Great news for everyone!
An improved combat system would certainly be a wonderful addition. Considering that a certain duration of after-animation/animation recover is necessary for smooth and natural movements, while typical fighting games require shorter after-animations to return to the original stance to prevent enemies from easily exploiting weaknesses, to reconcile these two aspects,
I personally suggest refering to the stance system from Absolver. In simple terms, it uses four different stances to connect each action. This way, each action only needs to return to one of these stances to start the next action(which begins with the same one), effectively reducing the time to connect actions and greatly expanding the depth of combat system.
Of course, I am just a player offering a possibility for reference, and I apologize for haven't taken into account the different game design concepts and playstyles.
Thank you all again for making such a beautiful game!
Thanks for the ideas. Working on animation breaks right now so the combat should flow better.
Good luck with the Steam launch, but please *don't* move the game exclusively onto Steam. It's been having growing numbers of problems for some people in recent years (including being a literal health risk in some cases, locking some people out of our existing game libraries and making it functionally a non-option for any future purchasing).
How can i do heartburn
Just Enter or run Enter. It's the move where you stab your hand through the chest, later you'll pull the heart out but it's not done yet.
So... I did a thing. It took a lot of fireflies to get to that point xD
Did better... or worse?

Oh wow, really impressive. Will definitely need to add a global high score soon.
Just gonna put this here...
I have to say, the main thing I'd ask for currently is a pause menu with the ability to view and change the keybindings.
Just added! Press [esc] to change inputs
The most notable absences in this game are audio and fullscreen. You say it's an early prototype but it feels really good even in its current state. Art style is beautiful, some neat easter eggs in the background, and the core mechanics just feel solid. Depending how well focused I am, I'm generally going somewhere from 11 to just over 50 kills (my record is 55 so far). Definitely feels like there's room for improvement on my part.
Also, I'd very much like to see control remapping options. Being able to move the buttons around (and view them in-game, not just on this page) would be much appreciated.
Also worth considering... when you have your sword sheathed, there aren't proper animations for dodging or for taking hits. Both animations teleport the sword into your hand, then have it teleport back into its sheathe after.
Ah yes, need to fix those animations as well. It's an easy fix, just takes time to redraw them sheathed. Thanks for the reminder.
Happy I could help! xD it's not like it's a deal breaker but it'll be nice to see!
Thank you very much for the feedback! Audio is being added now. Fullscreen gets weird with the browser version with screen tearing, might just leave it for the download version.
Definitely working on the control remapping, should be in the next update.
That's awesome to hear! Keep being amazing!
I loved playing afro samurai on the ps2 as a kid, I don't know why this reminds me of that. :D
I found great joy in the gameplay, I'll check it out again! I give a 5 star rating for this prototype in the overall rating, also kudos to the pixel artist.
the new phoenix fire ability is cool, but you might want to give it a range limit because you can just spam it in survival for free offscreen kills. got me to 88 kills without trying. also I love the fact that it cleans the blade of blood on use.
Edit: I also think that some of the basic swordsmens attacks just don't work if they're facing left?
Thanks for trying it out! Just uploaded a new update with the mana system so the fire attack can't be spammed. Now enemies will drop up to 3 fireflies, phoenix fire costs one firefly to use.
still fixing the left facing attack bugs, will update again today or tomorrow.
yoo i can lock warriors in the bathroom
Love the game. Sucks it's your last project. Oh and small thing but the new spawning isn't quite as good as the previous one imo.
Thanks! We might do more eventually. Will fix the spawning on the next version.
Excellent demo! Very smooth.
could you provide a download file so I can play this offline? its fun
No problem, just uploaded one. Thanks for playing!